Bulgarian National Quantum

Communication Infrastructure

The key to quantum security in Bulgaria

BGQCI will establish the first Bulgarian quantum

communication networks and test the latest

quantum security technologies.

Uniting our best researchers at the national coordinator Centre of Competence QUASAR and some of the largest communication industrial partners in the country, we combine the top level expertise in both quantum technologies and innovative communication infrastructure.

Having great cooperations with Bulgarian ministries, municipalities and agencies, BG QCI is our national plan to ensure Bulgaria is quantum-secure and a step ahead in the upcoming quantum revolution through being inseparable part and active contributor to the European Union’s EuroQCI initiative.

Our consortium brings together an ecosystem of quantum communication scientists, communication integrators and operators as well as end-users. This ensures the plan can effectively validate the technologies across national infrastructure and complete the activities to demonstrate the real operation of QKD secured communication networks locally and internationally.

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